I always admire somebody has a gang of friends, mix of boys and girls, and they do hang out with their friends, do take a lot of photos, nice memories bring along, and THAT IS DAMN GOOD FEEL ! I guess I never experience it before...sad case...
BUT there were some experience that I enjoyed it very much! Though it was not with someone I close with, some strangers, like friend's friends or cousin's friend....Sometimes I mingled with them but there were times I walked alone and enjoy the scenery along the journey myself. Guess I am the kind of person enjoy alone much more than a big gang, in some conditions. They are funny, people of kind that I was not familiar with, and I was suprised to observe some sides of people that they don't look from the outside.
The 1st gang, is my cousin's friends. They do not talked politely, they spoke rude, but they are them. They are someone that I respected as they are older than me, and they knew more things about the social than me, of course. Their friendships make me admire. They chat,in naturally way, and "zat" each other rudely and it just feel so comfortably to be with them. They talk jokes and they are open minded. Adults are always more "open minded" compare to me, the 18 years old girl which is still look like a child and also think and act like a child. I laughed a lot while listen to their conversations. I love laughing and laugh easily. And laugh because it was funny, and never think about the condition if it is in my shoe. So I was thinking I will be laugh back next time, any time.
( Taman Pertanian Malaysia, Shah Alam. 16.08.2012 )
We should be appreciated to have what we had. I am greedy. I want more than that, well...I was happy to have such experiences. Though my ideal "hang out" is not accomplish, but in the future, it will. My friend always think that this kind of thinking is not neccessary, but I just can't stop myself from thinking and looking for it. I want it that way, but not by forcing it, but to experience it. Yuan Fen will bring it to me, I just need to wait for the day to come =)
The 2nd , I totally enjoyed the trip, both trips I did enjoy so much, but the 2nd I feel more to myself. I acted the way who I am, because my friends were there and I just show myself. This gang is kinder than the previous, as they talked to me and told stories of them. The gang with my sister was more to, I joined them, I was the "side person", though they did not excluded and ignore me at all, but they chat among themselves that I have no right to chip in. This was the first time I went to Broga Hills and it was more tougher trip than I expected. I love to climb to the peak and stand on the big stone and see the scenery of the town and touch the SKY ,feel the BREEZY and sip the FRESH AIR!

( Broga Hills, 400m at Seremban/ Semenyih(?). 19.08.2012 )
Both trips with different people were eye opener to me! Though I didn't make friends with them, but I got some experiences and I am sure next time I ll perform better. I used the word "perform " because, I take it as lesson, and I am learning something from them, from the trips.\
The negatives always be negative but there are also POSITIVES there.
Happy Holidays! =DDD
Yean Yee
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