I was like a Nanny now. At first, Louis Baby got HFMD. So, I have to take him out from my house, went to his house, take care of him individually. Can you imagine a sick baby that is so playful? THAT is children...Sing and Dance and watch him learned the dance with only hands like I did, Act like a clown, Jump like an elephant to make him laugh HAHA! Its FUN and also exhaust. Nvm, as an exercise. but I need more rest and sleep for that-.- Now,another baby also affected by HFMD (Hand Feet Mouth Disease/Virus). It's a common illness of infants. Don' worry and they will be very "naughty" and suffering these days as they don't know how to talk, they just keep 'cry'. Sometimes they are not crying, they have crocodile tears. shout like crying. No ways to stop them at last they need your LOVE too. *HUGHUG And when they are crying, means they need HUG. and HUGGING a baby for more than ten minutes is definitely tired for everyone...even guys, cause they have no patient to coax the babies!
SUNDAY! I look for it every weekend. But after swimming session, I am so BORING at home. Mum and Dad went out and I left at home, facing the comp in the "Oven" Room. DAMN HOT! There are less people online on Facebook on Sunday noon. All went out for family day,i guess.
It is so Speechless that I am so NOOB. I went for driving lessons for 16 hours, and I passed JPJ test, but still yet I don't know HOW TO DRIVE (cars other than my coach's kancil or kancils). I was like KANCIL is the best car in the world, for now. I think I will not feel this way after I get to know how to drive the CARS other than Kancil. I can't go swimming if I want. Thats what I excited about when I know I was going to take License. But now. NAH, who asked you to be so stupid at driving /.\
I decided to take Form 6 and gave up UNMC, as the fees are SO EXPENSIVE, and...my family can't afford it seriously. How good if I got flying colours in SPM/.\ NVM, Form6 will be fine TOO!=D
It doesn't mean I really give up, I just take another pathway that suits me to achieve my dreams :)
Enjoy Your SUNDAY! =D